Friday, May 15, 2009

Reflection of Pecos spike trip

Over the last month and a half the field crews (Crews #1 and #2) have been on Spike at a location in Pecos, New Mexico to help the forest service create a trail through an old Civil War battle site. The trail was over two and a half miles in length and was just a dirt trail. We laid down a three inch layer of base dirt and another four inches of gravel on top through the entire trail, created lookout points and did some rock work as well. After work, we camped in tree houses at a camp outside of Santa Fe. We made dinner, washed dishes and cleaned daily. We were all homesick by the end of each week and we were all usually in a foul mood but we all got through it. Another obstacle was sickness. We all got sick over the two week break we had for S-212 training and had to deal with it on the trip. What I personally liked about the trip was I got to really open up to fellow crew members and they started to respect me a lot more after they got the opportunity to know me better. I also enjoyed working with some of the forest service workers. They kept us entertained, shared stories with us about themselves and we all got along very well. some skills that I learned over that trip was that I can open up to other crew members and that we can teach each other certain skills that we all have. I have a lot to learn and they have a lot to teach me and I, them. As for the future, I hope to get closer to my crew and help them cut some trees.